Wednesday 2 June 2010

Mr ASYLUM and the Plan!

Very scary title I know and youll all be reading on the edge of your seats Im sure as I tell you all about the weird and wonderful world of art, photography, design and film my little story will weave today but along the way ill show you some lovely new art Ive been working on, some great shoots and fantastic models Ive been working with this month as well as the plans for future world domination,(hmmm well maybe ill keep those plans secret for a bit but there is a plan in progress just not quite got to the world domination part as yet)

loads and loads to tell really but Ill try and narrow it down to the best bits :). First up the ATOM project is now completed for Access to Music colleges up and down the country and the full Logo ID is out and infecting your heads as well speak (well Ok as I write and you read) I'm very glad to have been part of this project and I'm looking forward the new briefs I'm getting including a T-shirt revamp and various posters and flier designs :D

The new album from Eibon La Furies 'Blood of the Realm' is now 100% complete and due for release on 21/06/2010 :) you can pre order your copy from now!!! art work to be released for public view soon :D

I have a new photography project on the go at the moment and its going very well with a great response. so far Ive shot Nicholas Dishington , Rozzie Williams , John Mcintire and the lovely Kitten of Pirate Photography

some other new shots Im very happy with are from a recent shoot involving Crimson Raine, Nitrogene and Midnattsol.

On with the plan *crashes of thunder* well Im keeping it secret so nerrrr :p ha ha more updates soon and hope to get time to revamp my website, twitter and myspace as well at somepoint over the coming month. also Im developing a new PDF portfolio and bio/CV so if your interested or know someone interested in working with, promoting and generally getting committed to creativity then send them my way and drop me a line :D

take it easy


Monday 15 March 2010

something hmmmmm

helloooo, as you can tell with me updating twice in the same month, I must be bored :p well lots to do tbh just right now Im waiting and waiting for new info and updates etc so thought Id show you a new pic :) well old pic but dont think youve seen it :)

also a big wooooo coz Im going to the Skin Two ball woooo woooo :D

Monday 8 March 2010

too much to say really

busy busy busy averaging 103 hrs of work per week!! so probably to much to go thru as I can hardly remember anything and really havnt been thinking right for a while :P

heres some new work tho :) ...

ill have to talk more later, got to get some CDs finalized for some great bands :D

speak soon


Wednesday 20 January 2010

no title today, I have a lazy head

so, Im sat having a brake and decided to waffle on here for a bit :) lots happining, new shoots and yet another CD added to the list of in production art work at the asylum :) wooooo for music :) got some great shoots that Im really looking forward to :) :) including such great models as... Helene Atsuko again :D :D Sara Lou again :D :D More with Black lotus :D :D and a first shoot with a fave of mine Demari Vi Syth :D :D

new promo pic including my new now fresh cut hair :) which for some strange reason has kept me quite stable and happy(ish) very odd feeling indeed compared to my usual roller coaster emotional manic mayhem, it just doesn't feel like me, but maybe thats part of it.


Also in smile news, I got my first Daily Deviation :D wooooooo, Im not keen on the pic myself and have been planing to take it down but kinda glad I didnt now :) hee hee

Random news, I got 14 boost bars off the vending lady today and a free bacon and egg sandwich off one of the students :D woooooooo for food :D

loads and loads to do so best get back to it, coffee first tho :D

oh yeah and new song underway with the band, " Fortress of the lazer zombies" ha ha ha ha ah ah ha ha cant wait to get more lyrics :P

Friday 15 January 2010

snip snip

Agghhhhh the hair has finally gone :o no more 2foot dreaded mohawk :o yep after over a yeas debate about cutting them off I got bored and just did it :)

news news news, right, new year, new hair new promo, new shoots, new design work, new songs for the band hopefully a new positive Mark :)

More on the Eibon la Furies cover soon, New CD work with Nottingham band Sychatrissi, new attitude clothing catalog work soon, new logos, some great shoots booked already, this weekend sees a full weekend of mayhem with Black lotus :D :D got some cool ideas for her this time :)

anyway back to the mad house :)

Saturday 26 December 2009

ho ho ho humbugs

Humbug to one and all this merry year :p

this year I decided to ignore the usual Christmas thing and just have a day off (very very rare for me Im sure youll agree) I ended up working abit anyway but I think id have a brain meltdown if i stopped for longer than a day. anyway I spent my time watching films and eating bacon sandwiches and chili hot pizzas with salami :D :D wooooo best time in years :D :D

work wise got loads of new photos up and more exciting shoots on the way :D one of my faves this year has to have been one of my most recent shoots and deffinitly the one Iv been looking forward to most Helene Atsuko :D :D

anyway best get on, new work for Eibon la Furies coming soon as they have been signed to Code666 and asked me to do the artwork :D :D woooooo

Speak soon


Saturday 28 November 2009

wooooo and the calm can start... almost

well the exhibitions out the way now and went better than I ever thought it could for me :) :) the Attitude clothing catalog is out now, CDs are well underway too :)

a few new jobs in, the Trail (London) have asked me to follow on from the CD cover with a new design for their single "City"

but interestingly my biggest shock was browsing thru WH Smiths and finding a full page photo I took in their new alt girls book!!!!! woooooooop!!!

anyway shooting today and tomorrow so better carry on getting ready for that :)