This is the news, ramblings, art, design, photography and general nonsence from artist, illustrator, designer and photographer Mark Leary.
Monday, 15 March 2010
something hmmmmm
helloooo, as you can tell with me updating twice in the same month, I must be bored :p well lots to do tbh just right now Im waiting and waiting for new info and updates etc so thought Id show you a new pic :) well old pic but dont think youve seen it :)
also a big wooooo coz Im going to the Skin Two ball woooo woooo :D
ASYLUM SEVENTY7 is the name used by freelance artist, illustrator & designer Mark Leary.
I always work my hardest to be original and explore any project with enthusiasm and maturity. I hate shallow work! I'm influenced by the weird and wonderful - be it music, art, fashion or people. I enjoy taking work left-field and love nothing more than working with people who have the same passion for exploring the new and experimenting with the norm, to create something that shows the best of my abilities and their desires!
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